Articles scientifiques


Chapitres d'ouvrages

Julienne Brabet, Corinne Vercher-Chaptal, Lucy Taksa. Les plateformes alternatives face aux géants de la digitalisation. In Béji-Bécheur, A.; Vidaillet, B.; Hildwein, F. (eds), Organisons l’alternative! Pratiques de gestion pour une transition écologique et sociale, Ems Management Et Sociétés, pp.205- 2020, 2021, 978-2-37687-451-5.



Julienne Brabet, Lucy Taska, Corinne Vercher-Chaptal. From Oligopolistic Digital Platforms to Open/Cooperative ones ?
European Academy of Management - EURAM, Dec 2020, Dublin, Ireland.

Laura Aufrère, Guillaume Compain, Philippe Eynaud, Lionel Maurel, Corinne Vercher-Chaptal. Rethinking the future of work through the lens of sharing platforms oriented towards general interest. 6th Conference of the Regulating for Decent Work Network, 2019, Genève, Switzerland

Guillaume Compain, Philippe Eynaud, Lionel Morel, Corinne Vercher-Chaptal. Alternative Platforms and Societal Horizon : Characterisation and Strategies for Development. SASE 31st Annual Meeting Fathomless Futures: Algorithmic and Imagined, Jun 2019, New York City, United States